The Washington Post - Aug 24 2016

1. Writer's hiree
2. Wallach of 'How the West Was Won'
3. Unfruitful
4. Transport to Wimbledon?
5. Transport to the wedding?
6. Transport to the theater?
7. Transport to the courthouse?
8. Tears to pieces
9. Synagogue scroll
10. Symbols often seen with Egyptian gods
11. Sugar substitute
12. Subtle vibes
13. Stevens who played Matthew on 'Downton Abbey'
14. Sports Illustrated's 1974 Sportsman of the Year
15. Spiteful
16. Sore
17. Sonora snack
18. Some soldiers
19. River through Lake Geneva
20. Reef builder
21. Push-up purchase
22. Purveyor of yellow journalism
23. Purple bloomer
24. Powerful person
25. Portion that's left
26. Political cartoonist Thomas
27. Pan Am competitor
28. Owner of 'The Huffington Post,' as of 2011
29. On the up-and-up
30. Nutmeg-derived spice
31. Nothing's opposite
32. Notes exchanged in many global transactions
33. Nonnews newspaper page
34. Neptune's domain
35. Message-sending convenience
36. Long forearm bone
37. Letters from a debtor
38. Lets the tears flow
39. Lead-up to a big Boston 'party'
40. Last to be chosen, probably
41. Lana's friend in Smallville
42. Kinshasa's country, during Mobutu's rule
43. Kebab choice
44. Junior, to Senior
45. Jewish priest with a self-named Bible book
46. It will help you dig up some dirt
47. Island from which Napoleon escaped
48. Irish-born actress Maureen
49. In no particular order
50. Humphrey's successor as vice president
51. Heaps
52. Guy who cries foul
53. Goes astray
54. Glass window section
55. Frat party quaff
56. Film swashbuckler Flynn
57. Filled-dough snack from Eastern Europe
58. Feeling of inner turmoil
59. Feed in a field
60. Didn't stand for anything?
61. Declared under oath
62. Cries of wonder
63. Cornrow component
64. Core part of the brain and spinal cord
65. Cone's eye partner
66. Collar alternative
67. Cognizant
68. City section
69. Christian fashion line?
70. Chief newscaster
71. Certain saxophone
72. Certain degree, in math
73. Borodin's 'Prince ___'
74. Bookie's figures
75. Bob Schieffer's network
76. Blend
77. Actor with Bolger and Garland
78. 'Finish those vegetables!'

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