New York Times Crossword Answers - Jul 4 2018

___-K crossword clue
___ voce (without dissent) crossword clue
World champion, e.g crossword clue
Word with press or mess crossword clue
Wood in some closets crossword clue
Trite crossword clue
Tremendous piece of work crossword clue
Trade blows crossword clue
Tennis great Ivanisevic crossword clue
Summer refresher crossword clue
Subways crossword clue
Subject of early genetic study crossword clue
Stout, maybe crossword clue
Still-life object crossword clue
Still-life object crossword clue
Spoke like Gollum in 'The Lord of the Rings' crossword clue
Speechless, perhaps crossword clue
Something one might do after an embarrassing loss crossword clue
Something a bug might produce crossword clue
Small, medium or large: Abbr crossword clue
Small protuberance crossword clue
Singer with the 2017 Album of the Year '24K Magic' [planets] crossword clue
Showstopper, literally crossword clue
Shock dispenser crossword clue
Setting for a popular show [dimensions] crossword clue
Scoffing look crossword clue
Renée Fleming performance crossword clue
Remote things? crossword clue
Ran gracefully crossword clue
Plants also known as ladies' fingers crossword clue
Peace sign crossword clue
Pac-12 athlete crossword clue
Out of whack crossword clue
Opposite of paleo- crossword clue
Notwithstanding crossword clue
Netflix transmission crossword clue
Motrin alternative crossword clue
Massachusetts' Cape ___ crossword clue
Male swan crossword clue
Macbeth's Scottish burial isle crossword clue
Like some vin crossword clue
Letter before Peter in a phonetic alphabet crossword clue
Kids' road trip game crossword clue
John or son Julian crossword clue
Interterminal transport crossword clue
Indian state that exports tea crossword clue
Identifications on left-hand pages, traditionally [the Bible] crossword clue
Hillary Clinton's maiden name crossword clue
Hanoi holiday crossword clue
Handle crossword clue
Grade sch. class crossword clue
Govt. debt instrument crossword clue
Goddess who captured Orion, in Greek myth crossword clue
Gobs crossword clue
Food item ordered at a bar crossword clue
Dirty, as tricks crossword clue
Didn't leave after everyone else left crossword clue
Device sold with earbuds crossword clue
Destroy, as an opponent crossword clue
Dense megalopolis that includes Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou [Greek alphabet] crossword clue
Cut, as ties crossword clue
Cousin of an épée crossword clue
County prosecutors, for short crossword clue
Come to fruition crossword clue
Bygone anesthetic crossword clue
Bruce or son Brandon crossword clue
Bring out of the closet? crossword clue
Blue expanse crossword clue
Away from the wind crossword clue
Apropos crossword clue
Annual greeting ... or a hint to the ends of 17-, 26-, 39- and 48-Across crossword clue
'___ be surprised' crossword clue
'Stop! You'll be sorry!' crossword clue
'Oh, hogwash!' crossword clue
'Money ___ object' crossword clue
'It's not my first ___' crossword clue
___ voce (without dissent)
World champion, e.g
Word with press or mess
Wood in some closets
Tremendous piece of work
Trade blows
Tennis great Ivanisevic
Summer refresher
Subject of early genetic study
Stout, maybe
Still-life object
Still-life object
Spoke like Gollum in 'The Lord of the Rings'
Speechless, perhaps
Something one might do after an embarrassing loss
Something a bug might produce
Small, medium or large: Abbr
Small protuberance
Singer with the 2017 Album of the Year '24K Magic' [planets]
Showstopper, literally
Shock dispenser
Setting for a popular show [dimensions]
Scoffing look
Renée Fleming performance
Remote things?
Ran gracefully
Plants also known as ladies' fingers
Peace sign
Pac-12 athlete
Out of whack
Opposite of paleo-
Netflix transmission
Motrin alternative
Massachusetts' Cape ___
Male swan
Macbeth's Scottish burial isle
Like some vin
Letter before Peter in a phonetic alphabet
Kids' road trip game
John or son Julian
Interterminal transport
Indian state that exports tea
Identifications on left-hand pages, traditionally [the Bible]
Hillary Clinton's maiden name
Hanoi holiday
Grade sch. class
Govt. debt instrument
Goddess who captured Orion, in Greek myth
Food item ordered at a bar
Dirty, as tricks
Didn't leave after everyone else left
Device sold with earbuds
Destroy, as an opponent
Dense megalopolis that includes Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou [Greek alphabet]
Cut, as ties
Cousin of an épée
County prosecutors, for short
Come to fruition
Bygone anesthetic
Bruce or son Brandon
Bring out of the closet?
Blue expanse
Away from the wind
Annual greeting ... or a hint to the ends of 17-, 26-, 39- and 48-Across
'___ be surprised'
'Stop! You'll be sorry!'
'Oh, hogwash!'
'Money ___ object'
'It's not my first ___'

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