Words before a happy note?
Word from a gracious Parisian
Wood-shaping tool
What the comic pointed in court?
What the comic in the smoky bar told?
What a hungry comic will do?
Visual leader?
Variety or ilk
Type of Dutch cheese
They are hard to resist
The three of old Rome
Take the long way, in a way
Symbol on a staff
Supreme acting prize
Spreadsheet fodder
Spray that brings a tear to one's eye
Source of some tears in the kitchen
Smallest member of the family, often
Small jazz combos
Saudi neighbor
Rollback command
Renowned actress Patricia
Public speaker
Practice one of the five senses
Perform at karaoke
Pageant attire
Orange castaway
Olympic legend Korbut
Most ancient
More than fear
Mighty monarch no more
Metric weight, for short
Makes a postscript
Make a prediction that may pay off
Madame Curie
Leave port
Lab vial
Jekyll's alter ego
Japanese aborigine
It supports proposals
It struck Chicken Little
Important vending machine part
Hand-to-mouth comments?
Grinder in the mouth
Graphic start?
Good-sized lot for a city dweller
Goaded, at breakfast?
Get ___ a good thing
Frau's man
Fosters or assists
Fleming who created Bond
Farmer's avian nemesis
Elevated nest
Early Scotsman
Does' beaus
Deceived in February?
Curved woodworking tool
Colony builders
CD player malfunction
Capital of Hawaii
Bumped off
British rule in colonial India
Big shot in a bar?
Ain't right?
African fly that carries a threat
'You ___ to know better!'